10 January 2009
25 December 2008
S60 Handphone - Understanding its limitation and advantages
Nokia N82 use S60, (Symbian 60) soft ware, which is a open software. It seem that this software has a lot of users, Major Handphone company use this software, Nokia, LG, Samsung etc as oppose the traditional computer company's use Window Mobile to power their PDA/Handphones/ Smart Phones.
As a open software, it is also supported by alot of independent, these people, company, produce themes / skins , various applications, games, that can be use by all these handphone or devices, THE NOKIA N82 which i intend to get is one of such hand phone.
These applications, games, themes, are available to be downloaded either Free, or as Shareware where by you pay a bit, or as full fledged software where you have to pay a fair bit, to use it. and is available from many websites or blogs. (See my earlier post on downloading games and themes)
Browsing through the web, this Christmas day, i found this web, http://www.s60.com which is all about symbian 60 software, they even have what they call S60 Ambassadors, People which promote S60, in return of getting the latest updates, information, software, on the S60, which they write about and weekly/monthly there are prizes (games, even use of handphones, s60 of course) for being the best story teller or promoter.
Well, "this look interesting" i said to my self, I will have to join up, as i believe in this, If you are spending your own hard earn money, on a product, use it to the fullest, to get the maximum for your money worth. Many Devices out there especially electronic gadget are being underutilised i believe. The Site to join is
I will do so as soon as i get my hand on the Nokia N82, to keep in touch with what new out there as compared with my Sony K750i after the initial downloads, i did not do any thing at all.
I am thinking can i read my E - Books, on the Nokia N82, it seem i can, it can open txt, words, and also PDF files, I do have those e books, but the majority of my e books are in LIT format or shall i say Microsoft Reader format. Checking the web, unfortunately there is no support for this format, but there are a few person asking for it already.
Well, Getting a S60 handphone is easy, just go and buy, utelising it fully will be a task, you have to be computer savvy to handle it to download applications, and istalling them. You also have to be web savvy, to find out place where to get the applications and so on.
I will take me time i believe to get to know this handphone / device well, as to use it to the fullest capability. GPS will be a new thing. There will be others ................................................................
Well, Happy holidays every one, I will not be around for a few days ;-)
Anticipating the arrival of the N82
I am waiting for the Nokia N82 to arrive, which due to my Finance and the Holiday period will be some time on the 29th of Dec 2008, In anticipation I have been browsing the web,
I downloaded a bunch of theme which i would like to try out. More on those later once i have installed and started using them.
Games Websites

I also got a bunch of games, more on those later after i get the handset, install them and play around with the games a bit.
Other Web sites / Blogs
quite a bit of software here, themes, application, games, just that you have to register and login, this is one site where you will find almost everything you may required and down load direct. quite a bit of those application i read about is available here.
- to get to know the Handset Better
- to see what Free Games is available and to download a few to try it out
- to see and download the Free skins or theme available and that is interesting
- GPS applications , various Maps
- What free and possible useful application are out there to down load
- http://axthemes.extra.hu/new.html

a very informative blog on N82, and on the S60 devices in general, Tip on how to use your device , links to themes, applications, games it all here. etc its all here.,
also a very informative blog. in general almost the same as the above
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